Category Archives: New!

The Trail with No Name

The Lowdown:

Wear layers in the winter, sun protection in the spring and summer. I would suggest that you wear pants to avoid scratches.

Hiking Boots would be best

Sun Block is a must no matter what time of year. Sunglasses and a hat (a warm one in the winter) are a good idea.

Cell Service? YEP!


Indulge in a snack when you get to your destination.

No kids near the river, otherwise they’re fine

Dogs on a lease. There are coyotes in this area. Watch very little kids



I’m Back- Last 3 hikes! Trying to catch up!


The Lowdown:

Wear layers in the winter, sun protection in the spring and summer. I would suggest that you wear pants to avoid scratches.

Hiking Boots would be best. Loose rocks and snow.

Sun Block is a must no matter what time of year. Sunglasses and a hat (a warm one in the winter) are a good idea.

Cell Service? YEP!


Indulge in a snack when you get to your destination.

Only Kid that LISTEN WELL can do this trail.


It’s Been a “Minute” since I Updated…

What’s new in the world of “The Roc-Star” you might ask?

I have about a BILLION hikes to add- which I will- shortly! So many AMAZING hiking trails in Vegas! I find out about a new one almost EVERY week!

Have a boyfriend who wants to hike with me but can’t find the time- PSSHHH…

Realized that you can devote yourself and ALL your energy into saving someone’s life and in turn- that person can STILL turn around and treat you like garbage. C’est la vie…

Stayed at the same weight, went up a bit- lost some of it but not all. Pretty uncomfortable right now but that will change once I get my fatigue under control.

I mentioned “FATIGUE.” Yeah- I still have that and can’t seem to beat it. It’s affecting my workouts and energy level severely. A doctor’s visit is in order.

My youngest Daughter is getting MARRIED. I’m paying for it so I’m stressed beyond stress because “I ain’t no Rockefella” and the part time job I got to help pay for this isn’t giving me any HOURS!

Still at the same job. Sigh.

That’s the update!

I would write something controversial or hop up on my Soap Box but…I’m too tired. My disgust over the election of Trump has pretty much worn me down these days and -oh- speaking of “grabbing them by the pussy,” check out my 49 and holding photo at the top of the page! I wish I looked that good in person 😉

More to come!